
We’re grant writers. We often have to fit lots of content into character, word, or page limits. We always have to worry about keeping a reader’s attention. One way we condense content is by using a series, a list of three or more items separated by commas. One way to confuse readers and lose their attention is to write series that don’t make sense. This blog post will help you avoid that so you can write as clearly and concisely as possible.

KidsTLC was recently awarded a $75,000 grant from the Sarli Foundation to support agency growth and sustainability. KidsTLC will be making numerous technology upgrades to support their electronic health records software as well as improvements in staff recruitment and retention. Operating support allows KidsTLC to provide services to all families in need, regardless of their ability to pay.

Developing Potential, Inc. was recently awarded a $50,000 grant from the Health Forward Foundation, Applicant Defined Grant to support the Increase Access to Services program. The program serves all DPI participants (160) and staff (65). These funds will support the program’s full-time registered nurse. The nurse oversees DPI’s medical services, providing direct support through comprehensive health assessments, medication administrations, choking risk assessments, GI tube feedings, and many other tasks. The nurse also educates program participants and staff on healthy lifestyle topics, and trains staff in medical issues like medication side effects, fall awareness and prevention, procedures for addressing seizures, and many more.

KidsTLC recently received a grant for $2,000 from the Johnson County Bar Foundation to support their Thriving Families program. KidsTLC’s Thriving Families program is available to help all families navigate the complexities of finding mental health/health care and daily living support. This eliminates barriers and helps them have better family relationships and improve mental health issues for themselves and their children.

Like many of you, school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic have placed me in the - let’s be honest - not entirely welcome position of balancing a full-time career with my new role of homeschool teacher. I naively and, looking back on it, pompously believed that this would be a piece of cake. I have teenagers, not small children who demand constant attention. They are good students. How hard can it be? Hard. Harder than I thought possible.

You are knee deep in a large government grant proposal and… The executive director calls you on the way to another meeting and quickly ambles off a new strategy the agency will be embarking on that must be included in the proposal. The finance person sends you an email with three new expenses to include in the budget. As you are leaving a meeting with the evaluation team, you are told about a new assessment tool the agency will be implementing…

Many funders see far more applications each funding cycle than their dollars can feasibly reach, forcing them to give careful consideration to how they wish to accomplish their respective missions. Even if your organization is doing amazing, life-changing things for the population it serves, if you fail to articulate those amazing things in a way that convinces the holder of funds to invest in you, you could be missing out on funding.

Kansas City Arts Institute (KCAI) recently received a grant for $30,000 from the Francis Family Foundation to support the KCAI Annual Fund, which helps bridge the gap between student tuition and the actual cost of educating each student. The Annual Fund finances 8% of the KCAI operating budget, and it helps to support institutional scholarships, student aid, and our programs like the B.F.A. curriculum, Continuing Education, the Artspace, and the Current Perspectives Lecture Series. The funding from the foundation will help provide a one-of-a-kind educational experience for KCAI students and enhance program offerings for our art and design community.