
Health Resources and Services Administration Attention institutions of higher education, community-based healthcare organizations, and school districts! The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has various upcoming opportunities for healthcare professional training programs. This announcement features healthcare opportunities specifically focused on training networks for underserved and diverse communities. Upcoming posts through the end of July will feature opportunities for training related to nursing, residency, secondary education outreach, and substance abuse. About the agency HRSA programs provide equitable health care to people who are geographically isolated and economically or medically vulnerable. This includes programs that deliver health services to people with HIV, pregnant people, mothers and their families, those with low incomes, residents of rural areas, American Indians and Alaska Natives, and those otherwise unable to access high-quality health care. HRSA programs also support health infrastructure, including training health professionals and distributing them to areas where they are needed most, providing financial support to health care providers, and advancing telehealth. In addition, HRSA oversees programs for providing discounts on prescription drugs to safety net providers, facilitating organ, bone marrow, and cord blood transplantation, compensating individuals injured by vaccination, and maintaining data on health care malpractice payments.

The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association (ALSA) St. Louis Regional Chapter recently received a grant for $23,395 from the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation to support the Loan Closet Plus program. ALSA will identify persons with ALS in need of the new equipment through established channels of referral and evaluation. If there is no insurance coverage or the device is not insurance eligible, the person with ALS is able to access this equipment through the Loan Closet Plus program free of charge. ALSA returns the equipment to the loan closet when no longer needed in order to make it available for another individual’s use.

Missouri Junior Golf Scholarship Foundation (MJGF) was recently awarded a $109,892 tax credit grant from the Missouri Department of Economic Development’s Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) to reconstruct the Ken Lanning Golf Center course designed for persons with disabilities. The course is the only of its type in the country and is designed for children and adults with a wide range of disabilities.

Health Resources and Services Administration Attention institutions of higher education, community-based healthcare organizations, elected officials, and school districts! The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has various upcoming opportunities for healthcare professional training programs. This announcement features three forecasted opportunities specifically focused on nursing for rural and underserved communities. Upcoming posts through the end of July will feature opportunities for training related to nursing, residency, secondary education outreach, and substance abuse.

Mosaic Life Care Foundation (MLCF) was recently awarded a $100,000 grant from the Patterson Family Foundation to support a portion of the Phase II Capital costs for their Cancer Survivorship Clinic. Phase II, the 9,000 square-foot Cancer Survivorship Clinic will feature an array of professional services and comfort for patients and families. New additions include a multi-purpose education room; expanded therapy services; wellness and exercise gym; spiritual health services; massage, acupuncture, and acupressure treatment; and a patient library. The capital budget includes general construction supplies and equipment, as well as technology improvements to increase virtual service capabilities for rural residents.

Wichita Children’s Home (WCH) was recently awarded a $31,277 grant from the State Human Trafficking Victims’ Assistance Fund (Kansas) to focus on supporting the depth and breadth of Wichita Children’s Home’s survivor aftercare services for victims of human trafficking (HT). Our primary goal is to empower these young women to heal and achieve self-actualization.

Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired (CCVI) recently received a grant for $75,000 from the Sarli Family Foundation to sustain core services in 2022. This support will help CCVI meet the ever-present needs of children with visual impairments while recruiting and retaining the highly specialized staff required to deliver services. General support allows CCVI to focus our resources on key services to achieve the best possible outcomes for the children we serve, especially during this difficult time. CCVI teachers, therapists, and specialists will provide services for 275 infants and children in 2022 through the following core program areas:
  • The Early Intervention Program (EIP) offers an individualized educational/therapy program for infants and toddlers, birth through age three, who have significant visual impairments that impact learning. It provides home-based instruction, therapies, and center-based evaluations of developmental progress.
  • The Preschool/Kindergarten Program’s six classrooms combine curriculum with specialized therapies and activities to enhance basic skills while preparing children for inclusion in public or private elementary schools.
  • Outreach Services are provided for school-age children attending public, private, charter, parochial, and state schools that do not have certified teachers of the visually impaired and/or orientation and mobility instructors. Services include assessment and monitoring of functional visual development and training on specialized classroom equipment.
  • Parent/Family Support Programs offer educational and training opportunities for all families, including orientation and mobility training, health care navigation, and other workshops and social gatherings.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwestern Illinois (BBBSIL) recently received a grant for $20,000 from the Joseph H. & Florence A. Roblee Foundation to produce quality, lasting 1:1 mentoring relationships that keep kids in school, out of trouble, and on a path to post-graduation success. Funding will support the identification and recruitment of volunteers, enrollment and interviews of new youth and their families, and regular follow-ups with participants.

Integrated Behavioral Technologies, Inc. (IBT) was recently awarded a $25,000 grant from the Dwane L. and Velma Lunt Wallace Charitable Foundation to replace the fire suppression hood and venting in the kitchen at The K.I.D.S. Place early childhood center. The Wallace Foundation has been a dedicated supporter of IBT's mission to support diverse learners. (Read more about their past giving here: Wallace Foundation Funds Playground Accessibility).