
Metro Lutheran Ministry (MLM) was recently awarded a $50,000 grant from the Ronald D. Deffenbaugh, Sr. Foundation to support enhancement of MLM’s Midtown Impact Network program through adoption of the evidence-based Financial Opportunity Center (FOC) 3 model (Local Initiative Support Corporation, 2017). FOC’s are career and personal finance service centers designed to help low- to moderate-income people focus on their financial bottom line through financial coaching, employment services, and access to income supports.

Overland Park, KS (June 24, 2019)— The Grant Professional Certification Institute received accreditation of its Grant Professional Certified (GPC) credential from the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). The GPC is the first professional credential for individuals working in the grants field to be recognized by a national credentialing body. Grant professionals are individuals who develop, write, submit, and manage grant proposals and funding on the behalf of nonprofits, governments and other agencies. According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2017 Census of Governments, there are 1.56 million nonprofits and 90,126 federal, state, and local government units in the United States. Within these organizations are grant professionals who work exclusively with grants and organizations who have grant professionals that conduct grant activities alongside a variety of other activities for their organization.

United Inner City Services (UICS) recently received a grant for $100,000 from the Jackson County Community Children’s Services Fund to improve mental health outcomes for low-income children and families in Jackson County, Missouri. UICS will expand the UICS Mental Health Intervention program, essentially duplicating the existing program from St. Mark Center, to the new campus, UICS Metro Center.

The YMCA of Greater Kansas City recently received a capital grant for $3,000,000 from the Sunderland Foundation to support the new Downtown YMCA/Kirk Family Community Center. The development plan for the Downtown YMCA/Kirk Family Community Center is well underway.  This project represents the next chapter of the health and well-being for downtown Kansas City and will allow the Y to continue providing programs and services focused on youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.

Camp Fire was recently awarded a $2,500,000 grant from the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation to support the implementation of its five-year Business Plan, “Strengthening the System.” Funds from the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation support the implementation of its five-year Business Plan, “Strengthening the System,” specifically funding the support of the NHQ and council leadership as the staff and national board begin addressing the Plan’s four goals:
  1. Increase Camp Fire’s brand visibility and awareness;
  2. Continue to strengthen the council system;
  3. Ensure NHQ’s long-term health and sustainability; and
  4. Continue to increase the effectiveness of the National Board of Trustees.

Deciding Between Grant Writing Companies? Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Having GPCs on Staff Hiring a grant writing company to support your organization with its grant applications and management is a cost- and resource-efficient way to improve your funding chances. It also takes the burden of work...

The YMCA of Greater Kansas City recently received a grant for $500,000 from the Victor E. Speas Foundation towards the construction of the Downtown Y/Kirk Family Community Center. Once completed, the new Downtown Y will offer programs and amenities that have the potential to impact the health and wellness needs of individuals and families in the Kansas City community.  In addition to addressing the health needs of the community, the new Y will offer programs that help strengthen and enhance the social fabric of the community. The Y's expanded footprint will provide increased opportunities for the delivery of positive youth development programming (e.g. enrichment, mentoring and leadership programs), college and career exploration programs, and volunteer opportunities for all ages.

Developing Potential, Inc. (DPI) recently received a grant for $335,963 from eitas to support day services for adults with developmental disabilities in Jackson County. DPI’s mission is to provide quality day habilitation services to adults with developmental disabilities, and to support those individuals to reach their potential and achieve a dignified, adult lifestyle. DPI provides a Day Services program that includes both on-site activities and community access focused off-site activities.

The YMCA of Greater Kansas City was recently awarded a $250,240 grant from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 21st Century Community Centers Continuation (CCLC) Grant to support before and after school learning and summer learning loss prevention programming. The support of the 21st Century Community Centers Continuation Grant will support the salaries and benefits of the staff who lead the high quality learning programs at Indian Creek Elementary Y-Club and Red Bridge Elementary Y-Club.