
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Does your government agency work with Community Health Workers (CHWs)? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now accepting applications for its 2021 program, Community Health Workers for COVID Response and Resilient Communities (CCR), which supports the goals of the CARES Act in preventing COVID-19 and protecting individuals from the public health implications of the pandemic. This program supports the training, deployment, and engagement of CHWs across the country to support COVID-19 response efforts. Applicants may propose a variety of strategies for scaling up the capacity of CHWs, with a focus on communities and populations that have been most affected by COVID-19. CCR proposals are due May 24, 2021.

National Science Foundation (NSF) Attention two-year institutions of higher education! NSF is now accepting proposals for its program, Advancing Innovation and Impact in Undergraduate STEM Education at Two-Year Institutions of Higher Education. This program aims to advance undergraduate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education through a variety of potential research-informed approaches, with the ultimate goal of building a more diverse STEM workforce. Proposed projects should build upon previous research in STEM education and result in field-tested outcomes and products. NSF accepts proposals for this program at any time; however, to be considered for funding in 2021, applicants must submit their proposals prior to May 28, 2021.

Integrated Behavioral Services, Inc. (IBT) was recently awarded a $40,047 grant from Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund – All In for Kansas Kids to increase the number of childcare professionals trained effective social-emotional interventions (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)) for children with autism or other intellectual, developmental, physical, behavioral, and/or emotional needs. This project is the second part of a three-year plan to develop a replicable PBIS model that incorporates advanced social-emotional skills programming, puts into place appropriate structure, stability, and healthy behaviors to reduce problem behaviors among children at The K.I.D.S. Place.

We’ve all had experiences with nonprofit leadership who would do almost anything for funding. But have you considered the ethical implications that can go along with the ‘money at all costs’ mindset? We're talking about things like: How far is your agency willing to go? Would they misrepresent revenue to funders? Would they inflate the numbers served so it appeared they were helping more people than they really were? Welp. Luckin Coffee (LC) boldly went there and got caught. But there is much to learn from the error of their ways, so let’s take a look at LC’s actions through the eyes of a grant professional to examine the ethics (or lack thereof) of it all.

National Endowment for the Humanities Attention humanities folks! If your organization is seeking funding to create digital humanities products such as websites, mobile applications, virtual tours, interactive touch screens, kiosks, or other projects, then you might be interested in this opportunity. The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is accepting applications for its Digital Projects for the Public program to support the research, design, development, and distribution of digital products and platforms that will ultimately deepen public understanding of humanities content and ideas.

Mosaic Life Care (Heartland Regional Medical Center) recently received a grant for $266,800 from the Federal Communications Commission Consortium COVID-19 Remote Patient Telehealth Program to purchase a web-based software platform for Healthcare Recovery Solutions (HRS). The web-based software platform for Healthcare Recovery Solutions (HRS) remote patient monitoring (RPM) technology will allow Mosaic Life Care to provide medical services to both COVID-19 patients and other high-risk and vulnerable patients. These include but are not limited to monitoring blood glucose levels, blood pressure, pulse, temperature, weight, and blood oxygen levels. The system’s flexibility allows for not only remote-patient monitoring but also video conferencing (provider to patient; nurse to patient; inspection or visualization of wounds, edema, etc.), virtual visits, and messaging.

I have found that in the world of grant professionals, there doesn’t seem to be much gray area when it comes to logic models. Most of my colleagues seem to fall into the “I love logic models!” camp, but I do know there are a few of you out there (time to fess up) for whom those two words bring feelings of fear and anxiety. I am confessing that I, too, fall into that category. To clarify, my problem is with the process of creating the logic model. I do love and appreciate what logic models achieve and the value of the end result but have always struggled with making my thoughts fit neatly into tidy rows and columns. So, for those of you who also think less linearly and need to see the forest before you examine each individual tree, I have some suggestions that have helped me to alleviate logic model anxiety.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Does your organization work to address substance use among local youth? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now accepting applications for its 2021 Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program. This program supports community coalitions that work together to prevent substance use among youth ages 18 years and younger. DFC aims to establish and strengthen multisector collaboration in these efforts to address community-level factors that increase the risk of substance use, and to promote the factors that minimize the risk of substance use among youth. DFC proposals are due May 10, 2021.

Jennings School District was awarded a $1,760,000 grant from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 21st Century Community Learning Centers to provide the students of Jennings School District with after school programming to enable them to improve understanding of academic performance in mathematics, language arts and science, and to provide enrichment opportunities for students during after school hours.  In addition, the grant will support families of JSD students by supplying opportunities to participate in school activities, parent education, and family oriented activities for students and family members.