Ethics: Ethics for Grant Proposal Need Statements Session 4 of the Ethics Series The way grant professionals describe the needs of their community is an important part of persuading reviewers and grant funders to award a grant. Which need is greatest and most aligned to the funders’...

  Advanced Grant Practices: Motivational Interviewing: A Grant Centered Approach Session 2 of the Advanced Grant Practices Series Have you ever been stuck when writing a grant proposal because the program person you're talking to says, "Oh, but we can't...

    Grants 101: Describing the Need Session 4 of the Grants 101 Series In every grant proposal, the writer must convey the importance and urgency of their target population’s needs, problems, and challenges with data and heart. In this webinar, presenter Julie Assel, GPC, and Jennifer Murphy, GPC, start at...

    Ethics: Organizational Capacity and Readiness Grant Ethics Session 3 of the Ethics Series Issues of ethics abound when grant professionals examine their organization's readiness to apply for grants. Is the grant aligned to the organization's strategic plan or is the organization chasing money and causing mission creep?...

    Federal Grants: Federal Grant Registrations and Portals Session 4 of the Federal Grants Series Diverse funding streams are the key to many organizations’ financial sustainability. The complexity and high accountability of federal funding deters many organizations until they are more advanced along the grant readiness continuum. One...

  Federal Grants: Relationships with Program Officers and Legislators Session 3 of the Federal Grants Series Many development professionals are uncomfortable with federal grants because they don’t feel there are relationships to cultivate like there are with foundation grants. While each federal department is different, there are relationships...

    Federal Grants: Federal Find and Fit Session 2 of the Federal Grants Series Applying for federal grants can be daunting. Between the broad and changing range of federal funding and making sure that what you do find is actually a good match for your organization, it’s easy...

    Ethics: Grant Ethics for Prospect Research and Funder Relationships Session 2 of the Ethics Series Have you ever been uncomfortable applying to a foundation which didn’t seem to really match your organization’s profile? Many nonprofit professionals are pressured into writing to foundations who don’t match their giving...