National Science Foundation Attention researchers and practitioners in informal science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields! The National Science Foundation (NSF) is now accepting proposals to its Advancing Informal Stem Learning (AISL) program. The AISL program supports projects that advance new approaches and understanding, broaden access and engagement, advance research and assessment, and engage the public of all ages in informal STEM learning experiences and issues. Proposals for this program are due January 18, 2022.

  Federal Grants: Federal Research Grant Budget Justifications Session 10 of the Federal Grants Series The budget justifications for research have unique requirements which surprise many grant professionals used to foundation grants and even some grant professionals used to writing federal implementation or demonstration grants. This session will...

Institute of Museum and Library Services Last week, we highlighted a grant program that funds capacity-building work for libraries. This week, we are looking at an opportunity that specifically supports workforce development and training for libraries and museums. The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) recently opened applications for its Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian program. Projects may fall into one of five categories (described below) and should align with one of IMLS’s three goals for this program: 1) recruit, train, develop, and retain a diverse workforce of library and archives professionals; 2) develop faculty, library, and archives leaders through institutional capacity-building work; or 3) enhance the training and professional development of these professionals in accordance with community needs.

  Federal Grants: Federal Budget Justifications: Reasonable, Allowable, Allocable Session 9 of the Federal Grants Series Federal budget forms are not the only part of federal budgets which are different. The information expected in a federal budget justification is also more specific. All of these budget justifications must...

Institute of Museum and Library Services Is your library seeking funding for capacity-building work that has the potential to make a broad national impact? The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) recently opened applications for its National Leadership Grants for Libraries (NLG-L) program. NLG-L projects investigate and address critical issues that affect the library and archives fields, with the overall goal of advancing these professions and increasing the impact of their services for the American public. Projects may fall into one of four categories (described below) and should culminate in the development of new models, tools, research, services, practices, and/or alliances that can be disseminated, scaled, adapted, and/or applied among libraries across the country.

In a recent post, my colleague Michele Ryan gave a library of great data sites to bookmark and pull fresh data from. In this post I challenge you to look internally at the data you already collect within your organization or for your grant proposals and consider how to freshen it up a bit by making it more recent, more relevant, and more specific.

National Science Foundation (NSF) Attention educators, researchers, institutions of higher education (IHEs), and industry leaders in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields! NSF is now accepting proposals to its Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program. The ATE program supports partnerships among IHEs, industry, and economic development agencies to improve undergraduate and secondary education programs for the skilled technical workforce. This workforce is defined as workers who use high-level science and engineering skills but do not hold a baccalaureate degree. ATE projects are faculty-led and may involve research, curriculum development, professional development for educators, IHE consortia activities, and more. Proposals to this program are due October 14, 2021.

Building a Career as a Grant Professional in an Institution of Higher Education Session 1 of the IHE Starting an Office of Sponsored Research Series In Building a Career as a Grant Professional in an Institution of Higher Education, the presenter will describe her personal career trajectory that...

  Federal Grants: Standard Budget Forms Session 8 of the Federal Grants Series Many foundation grants allow you to provide your project budget in your own format, but not federal grant agencies. All federal agencies have their own form which must be used to convey the costs associated...