Grant Ethics: Grant Ethics for Consultants Session 8 of the Ethics Series While all nonprofit professionals have many ethical issues to consider as they conduct pre-award and post-award grant activities, grant consultants have additional areas of which to be mindful because they run their own businesses instead...

    Grant Ethics: The Ethics of Program Implementation and Reporting After a Grant is Funded Session 7 of the Ethics Series While ethics must be considered in all stages of the grant lifecycle, the part that most people worry about is program implementation and reporting. Here grant professionals...

    Grant Ethics: Organizational Capacity and Readiness Grant Ethics Session 3 of the Grant Ethics Series Issues of ethics abound when grant professionals examine their organization's readiness to apply for grants. Is the grant aligned to the organization's strategic plan or is the organization chasing money and causing...

  With, Not For: Partner Selection Session 3 of the Partnerships Series $50 | 60 minutes Enroll Now     More funders are encouraging or even requiring partnerships as an eligibility criterion. Grant professionals provide project management and often weigh in on project design elements and should challenge applicants to consider the...

      HUD - Department of Housing & Urban Development Session 6 of the Federal Agency Series Register Now       In this session, we will educate the participants in the core mission, principles, and strategic priorities HUD works by, their budget, and what that budget aims to address in national priorities....

      HRSA - Health Resources & Services Administration Session 5 of the Federal Agency Series Register Now     In this session, we will educate the participants in the core mission, principles, and strategic priorities HRSA works by, their budget, and what that budget aims to address in national priorities. We'll...

    Evaluation and Logic Models Session 6 of the Grant Funding Basics Series Almost all grant funders ask what effect a program will have on the participants and how the organization knows of a program’s success. This session will teach the development professionals who write grants methods for defining...

  Federal Grant Management - Non-Financial Requirements Session 12 of the Federal Grant Development Series While most people think of the financial management of a federal grant as the area with the greatest challenges or newest requirements, there are also many non-financial requirements that must be considered when managing...

    Advanced Grant Practices: Relationships: It is a Two-Way Street Session 1 of the Advanced Grant Practices Series Sometimes it seems easier to avoid conflict and focus on the future.  This session will teach you how to appropriately engage with funders to overcome past missteps and/or prepare for...

    Federal Grants: Federal Grant Management - Financial Requirements Session 11 of the Federal Grants Series The most common concerns related to federal grant management are around the financial requirements. These requirements include paying staff, contracting for services, travel, and purchasing materials. This session will discuss the most...