Partnerships: With, Not For: Partner Selection


With, Not For: Partner Selection
Session 3 of the Partnerships Series
$50 | 60 minutes

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More funders are encouraging or even requiring partnerships as an eligibility criterion. Grant professionals provide project management and often weigh in on project design elements and should challenge applicants to consider the quality and authenticity of who they name as partners. Common defaults are to work with who you always work with, or with the partner who says “sure, write the letter of commitment and I’ll just sign it,” or with the partner who is “easy to work with”.  Is your focus on whether the partner mix you select will benefit you and the ease of the pre-award process or is your focus on seeking out other organizations with whom you will consider important external stakeholders who together you will benefit the target population in a way neither of you can do individually.

This course builds upon our Power of Partnerships Training to extend the discussion beyond the characteristics of types of partnerships to an exploration of how to approach working with partners as equal stakeholders. Participants will increase their knowledge of:

      • Inviting partners to the table as equal stakeholders
      • Communicating effectively with your stakeholders throughout the grant life cycle
      • Evaluating risks and issues with stakeholders
      • Sustaining partnerships


GPCI Competencies and Skills:
3.1, 3.2, 3.7, 3.9
CFRE Domains and Tasks:
2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.9

The trainers for these sessions are all credentialed grant professionals (GPCs) who agree to adhere to the Grant Professionals Association (GPA) Code of Ethics and are GPA Approved Trainers. All of the trainings in this series align with the Grant Professionals Certification Institute’s competencies and skills.



This training aligns with the Grant Professional Certification Institute’s Competencies and Skills and is approved for 1.0 Continuing Education Unit (CEU). Full participation in this training is also applicable for 1.0 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.

Partnerships Series

Trends in both private and public funding continue to emphasize partnerships. For young grant professionals, understanding the practicalities of including partners in the grant development and grant proposal is an important step toward producing a clear and compelling project. As grant professionals advance in their career, they understand the unique role they play in facilitating impact beyond their organization through partnerships.

This series has been developed by credentialed grant professionals who regularly guide successful partnerships with and between young grassroots organizations and long-established nonprofits. No matter where you work or where you are in your career, this series has been created for you as you work every day to make the world a better place.

If you would like to arrange a custom-scheduled training for your organization, please email us to speak to one of our training staff. If you would like information about all our upcoming trainings, please subscribe to our monthly training newsletter!

See the complete Partnerships Series


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