Evidence-Based Programming Session 6 of the Federal Grant Development Series More and more grants are asking questions about how you know the services you provide will have the impact you claim will result. These questions may be worded similar to this: What is the evidence-level of your program,...

  Managing the Development of a Federal Grant Proposal Session 5 of the Federal Grant Development Series Many nonprofits are not successful with federal grants because they do not have the time or expertise to run effective project design meetings. This causes proposals to become rushed at the end...

    Federal Grant Registrations and Portals Session 4 of the Federal Grant Development Series Diverse funding streams are the key to many organizations’ financial sustainability. The complexity and high accountability of federal funding deters many organizations until they are more advanced along the grant readiness continuum. One of the...

    Federal Grant Development: Federal Find and Fit Session 2 of the Federal Grant Development Series Applying for federal grants can be daunting. Between the broad and changing range of federal funding and making sure that what you do find is actually a good match for your organization,...

    Federal Grant Development: Pursuing Federal Grants Session 1 of the Federal Grant Development Series Applying for federal grants can - to put it mildly - be daunting. In this training, we make it easier by guiding participants through the major components, the key similarities and differences between...

Did you wake up with a foreboding sense of deja vu? Like you've written the exact same narrative over and over again? There are not too many occasions when I can relate to Bill Murray waking up and reliving the same day, except when I find myself reworking the same narrative for another application. You know the feeling – when you have tried and true narrative pieces that perfectly depict the history, need, and program design that makes you feel like you are stuck on repeat? So, what can you do when the programs aren’t changing, but you need to breathe some life into the writing? Here are some tips to refresh your writing and wake up feeling rejuvenated for a busy grant season!

  Ethics: Creating Ethical Grant Budgets and Sustainability Plans Session 6 of the Ethics Series For many organizations, a federal grant will be a significant expansion to an existing program or the initial funding for a program that does not yet exist. This can make the creation of...

    Ethics: Ethics for Grant Proposal Need Statements Session 4 of the Ethics Series The way grant professionals describe the needs of their community is an important part of persuading reviewers and grant funders to award a grant. Which need is greatest and most aligned to the funders’...

      Grant 301: The Power of the Pen Session 3 of the Grants 301 Series Proposal narratives must reflect the deep social responsibilities of grant professionals to tell the stories of the target population, not just the story of the organization. Words have power, and grant professionals must...