Common Grant Attachments Session 9 of the Grant Funding Basics Series A grant proposal is only one component of most grant applications. Other components include proof of nonprofit status, a board roster, an organizational budget, a program budget, and financial statements, as well as an annual report, tax...

    Demonstrating Sustainability Session 8 of the Grant Funding Basics Series A common question on grant applications is “How will you sustain this program after the grant funding is over?” Many grant writers will want to answer glibly, “Write more grants, of course!” But, what should you really include...

    Grant Budgets Session 7 of the Grant Funding Basics Series Grant budgets seem like they should be so simple, just ask for what you need, right? Instead, they can be very complex with unique terms and phrases all their own. This training will start at the very beginning...

    Describing the Key Components of Your Program Session 5 of the Grant Funding Basics Series A common mistake of many grant proposals is not providing enough information for the funder to truly understand the program. This session will guide attendees on what key program components funders expect...

    Describing the Need Session 4 of the Grant Funding Basics Series In every grant proposal, the writer must convey the importance and urgency of their target population’s needs, problems, and challenges with data and heart. In this webinar, presenter Julie Assel, GPC, will start at the surface and then take...

    Federal Grant Management - Financial Requirements Session 11 of the Federal Grant Development Series The most common concerns related to federal grant management are around the financial requirements. These requirements include paying staff, contracting for services, travel, and purchasing materials. This session will discuss the most common policies...

    Federal Research Grant Budget Justifications Session 10 of the Federal Grant Development Series The budget justifications for research have unique requirements which surprise many grant professionals used to foundation grants and even some grant professionals used to writing federal implementation or demonstration grants. This session will talk about...

    Standard Federal Budget Forms Session 8 of the Federal Grant Development Series Many foundation grants allow you to provide your project budget in your own format, but not federal grant agencies. All federal agencies have their own form which must be used to convey the costs associated with...

  External Evaluators: When is it Required and What to do When it is Required Session 7 of the Federal Grant Development Series Many, but not all, federal grants require project evaluation to be completed by someone other than the project director. The reason for this requirement is...

  Federal Budget Justifications: Reasonable, Allowable, Allocable Session 9 of the Federal Grant Development Series Federal budget forms are not the only part of federal budgets which are different. The information expected in a federal budget justification is also more specific. All of these budget justifications must meet the...