Have you ever stopped to consider the reasons why you sign up for webinars, attain or continue to maintain your grant professional certification (GPC), or set out to learn an entirely new skill set (like project management)? For some, an employer prioritizes professional development and encourages developing a training plan. Perhaps your certification or licensure requires continuing education. Do you ever feel like you are taking action (e.g., attending workshops or reading professional articles) but it’s not adding up? Are you missing a sense of accomplishment? Actions without a bigger picture may seem productive in the short term, but they may not connect with your larger goals or leave you feeling like you haven’t made progress. Identifying your “why” may be the missing piece.

I was one of the lucky 10% of aspiring GPCs (Grant Professional Certified) to see the following words float across my screen: “This email is to notify you that your packet has been selected for audit.” Audits are best practice for credentialing organizations to uphold the integrity of the credential. No matter how ethical or diligent one is, being audited is always a bit nerve-wracking. I am sharing my experience to show you how to track documentation to be audit-ready. I will give a real-life example of undergoing an audit after submitting my initial eligibility packet and the things that I now do differently as a result.

Taking the Grant Professional Certified (GPC) exam can be a scary thought for many. Bad memories of past standardized test experiences, fear of failure, not knowing where to start, or lack of time may be reasons that are holding you back from taking the GPC exam. Earlier this year, I was in your shoes, because I took the GPC exam in July 2022. Let me help turn the big scary beast-the GPC exam-into a nice friendly teddy bear, figuratively at least.

Lee’s Summit, MO (September 4, 2019) — Assel Grant Services announces that Emily Hampton, MPA, and Michele Ryan have joined the firm as Grant Associates. With the addition of Hampton and Ryan, the firm has grown to a staff of fourteen, eight of whom are credentialed grant professionals, or Grant...

Overland Park, KS (June 24, 2019)— The Grant Professional Certification Institute received accreditation of its Grant Professional Certified (GPC) credential from the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). The GPC is the first professional credential for individuals working in the grants field to be recognized by a national credentialing body. Grant professionals are individuals who develop, write, submit, and manage grant proposals and funding on the behalf of nonprofits, governments and other agencies. According to the National Center for Charitable Statistics and the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2017 Census of Governments, there are 1.56 million nonprofits and 90,126 federal, state, and local government units in the United States. Within these organizations are grant professionals who work exclusively with grants and organizations who have grant professionals that conduct grant activities alongside a variety of other activities for their organization.

Deciding Between Grant Writing Companies? Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Having GPCs on Staff Hiring a grant writing company to support your organization with its grant applications and management is a cost- and resource-efficient way to improve your funding chances. It also takes the burden of work...

No other grant services firm in the country has more GPCs on staff. (KANSAS CITY, MO. August 12, 2018) – Assel Grant Services announces Tracey Diefenbach, a Certified Grant Professional (GPC), has joined the firm. She brings expertise in federal and youth development grant writing and will work...