Advanced Grant Practices: Cultural Competency - The Power of the Pen Session 3 of the Advanced Grant Practices Series Proposal narratives must reflect the deep social responsibilities of grant professionals to tell the stories of the target population, not just the story of the organization. Words have power,...

  Grants 101 - Describing the Key Components of Your Program Session 5 of the Grants 101 Series A common mistake of many grant proposals is not providing enough information for the funder to truly understand the program. This session will guide attendees on what key program...

  Federal Grants: Evidence-Based Programming Session 6 of the Federal Grants Series More and more grants are asking questions about how you know the services you provide will have the impact you claim will result. These questions may be worded similar to this: What is the evidence-level of...

    Ethics: Ethics for Grant Proposal Need Statements Session 4 of the Ethics Series The way grant professionals describe the needs of their community is an important part of persuading reviewers and grant funders to award a grant. Which need is greatest and most aligned to the funders’...

  Advanced Grant Practices: Motivational Interviewing: A Grant Centered Approach Session 2 of the Advanced Grant Practices Series Have you ever been stuck when writing a grant proposal because the program person you're talking to says, "Oh, but we can't...

    Grants 101: Describing the Need Session 4 of the Grants 101 Series In every grant proposal, the writer must convey the importance and urgency of their target population’s needs, problems, and challenges with data and heart. In this webinar, presenter Julie Assel, GPC, and Jennifer Murphy, GPC, start at...

  Federal Grants: Managing the Development of a Federal Grant Proposal Session 5 of the Federal Grants Series Many nonprofits are not successful with federal grants because they do not have the time or expertise to run effective project design meetings. This causes proposals to become rushed at...

    Cost: $50/session or $300 for the full series Grants 301 Series Sessions by GPCI Competency These sessions are designed to provide targeted content for individuals who are really passionate about grants and want to take their skills to the next level. To register for the complete series or...

    Cost: $50/session or $300 for the full series Grants 201 Series by GPCI Competency To register for the complete series or for individual sessions: Register Now     View our 2022 Grants 201 Live Session Training Schedule The average nonprofit professional needs more than just initial grant training. Anyone working with grants...