Funding Alert! National Leadership Grants for Libraries

Institute of Museum and Library Services

Is your library seeking funding for capacity-building work that has the potential to make a broad national impact? The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) recently opened applications for its National Leadership Grants for Libraries (NLG-L) program. NLG-L projects investigate and address critical issues that affect the library and archives fields, with the overall goal of advancing these professions and increasing the impact of their services for the American public. Projects may fall into one of four categories (described below) and should culminate in the development of new models, tools, research, services, practices, and/or alliances that can be disseminated, scaled, adapted, and/or applied among libraries across the country.

Who is eligible to apply?

Eligible organizations must be domestic and either a unit of state or local government or a private nonprofit organization. In addition, applicants must qualify as one of six types: 1) a library or parent organization responsible for administration of a library; 2) an academic or administrative unit that is part of an institution of higher education; 3) a digital library; 4) a governmental library agency; 5) a consortium of local, statewide, interstate, or international library entities; or 6) a library association that serves libraries or library professionals.

What do these projects look like?

NLG-L applicants may propose one of the following project types:

  1. Planning (up to $150,000, 1- to 2-year period of performance): may include exploratory activities, such as needs/feasibility assessments; developing partnerships; creating workplans, prototypes, or proofs of concept or pilot studies; and other planning activities with the potential to lead to future implementation.
  2. Forum (up to $150,000, 1- to 2-year period of performance): convening experts and stakeholders to explore current or emerging needs, issues, and opportunities that are nationally relevant to the library and archive fields.
  3. Implementation (up to $1,000,000, 1- to 3-year period of performance): developing, executing, and evaluating work that transforms how libraries serve the nation. These adaptable, scalable, and sustainable projects may culminate in new tools or resources or expand existing ones to reach new audiences or applications. Note that Implementation grants over $249,999 require a 1:1 cost share/match.
  4. Applied Research (up to $750,000, 1- to 3-year period of performance): investigating key questions relevant to the library and archive fields and building on existing empirical, theoretical, or exploratory work. These projects involve information dissemination throughout the period of performance, with broad-reaching efforts that go beyond publishing journal articles and presenting at conferences.

For complete descriptions of the project types, program goals, and associated objectives, see the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), pages 3-6. This application process is divided into two phases, with Phase I preliminary proposals due September 24, 2021. For Phase II, IMLS will invite selected applicants to submit full proposals by March 25, 2022.

What makes a project a good fit?

IMLS will evaluate NLG-L projects using four performance measures to understand how well the grant program is meeting its goals and how individual projects are being managed:

  1. Effectiveness: the extent to which activities contribute to achieving the intended results;
  2. Efficiency: how well resources (e.g., funds, expertise, time) are used and costs are minimized while generating maximum value for the target group;
  3. Quality: how well the activities meet the requirements and expectations of the target group; and
  4. Timeliness: the extent to which each task/activity is completed within the timeframe proposed.

IMLS also places importance on projects that advance diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. As such, IMLS will seek to fund a variety of projects that serve individuals from diverse geographic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds; individuals with disabilities; individuals from underserved communities; and those who may have difficulty accessing or using a library or museum.

What if I am ready to apply?

To move your application forward, take the following action steps ASAP:

  • Read through the program description page for more information regarding the funder goals, project types, and program officer contacts.
  • Watch the recorded informational webinar for prospective applicants and/or view the webinar transcript and slides.
  • Browse the archive of previously funded NLG-L projects.
  • Make sure your System for Award Management (SAM) registration is active and that you have agov profile. You can check your SAM status here:

What if I need help with this application?

Contact Assel Grant Services today! Our team can help with all aspects of preparing the application and managing the grant if you are awarded. If you would like to discuss this possibility, please contact AGS as soon as possible. Rosie Brennan, Community Engagement Specialist will be happy to talk with you about this opportunity and provide you a quote for grant services.

What if I am not ready to apply this year?

Check out other opportunities to work with IMLS. The agency website provides resources regarding other upcoming grant programs, partnerships, and funding opportunities, as well as examples of previously funded projects.

How do I learn more about federal grant proposal writing, so my application is more likely to be successful?

AGS is excited to offer a new Federal Grants Training Series throughout 2021! The series is designed to support nonprofit leaders and faculty at institutions of higher education before and during the application process. AGS also offers several on demand webinars on a variety of topics to support the full grant cycle. Check out our website to learn more and sign up for our training newsletter.

AGS blogs, funding alerts, and trainings are aligned with the Grant Professional Certification Institute’s Competencies and Skills

Competency #1: Knowledge of how to research, identify, and match funding resources to meet specific needs

Skill 1.2: Identify major trends in public funding and public policy

Skill 1.6: Identify fundable programs and projects for specific organization

Skill 1.7: Determine best matches between funders and specific programs

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