03 Dec Classroom Teachers Write by Julie Assel, GPC
I have worked with a wide variety of organizations in the last ten years, but I have found no direct program staff more reticent to write grants than classroom teachers. They, like most program staff are “too busy”, “don’t know how” or “not sure even where to start.” Yet, in my experience, they are some of the most qualified direct staff with whom I have ever worked.
Need: Classroom teachers know the demographics and personal stories of their children. They know what the children need, both at school and frequently at home.
Program description: Teachers write lesson plans every day describing what they teach, they use curriculum and evidence-based programs tied to state and national standards.
Evaluation: Teachers regularly assess children both short and long-term with specific measurable outcomes tied to the programs they are implementing.
Budget: Educators know how to be efficient with money and stretch every dollar.
Sustainability: Once teachers have the materials, most of the time, they can use them over and over again for many lessons within a year and for many school years before the materials wear out.
I believe schools and school districts owe it to their teachers, children, and even tax payers and the community at large, to educate and facilitate grant writing in teachers. Teachers would be happier because they and their students would have the resources they need to succeed. Tax payers would be happier because the schools can take advantage of funding offered by the community, who is trying to help the local school districts. The community would be happier because they would have a more direct impact on the education of children.
GPC Competency 3: Knowledge of strategies for effective program and project design and development. Skill 5: Identify appropriate definitions of and interrelationships among elements of project design (e.g., project goals, objectives, activities, evaluation).