Rising Trend of Outsourcing Grant Writing Requires Our Team to Expand with Two More Grant Writers

As the trend rises for more and more companies, even in the nonprofit area, to outsource grant writing, Assel Grant Services is responding by expanding their team of grant writers. Early as 2015, we added three new staff members, and in 2017 we’ve brought on board two more: Eric Schumacher and Jennifer Murphy.

Local non-profits, school districts, and institutions of higher education are among Assel Grant Services primary clients, and Eric and Jennifer have deep roots in working with these types of organizations. They’re joining our team that has secured more than $129 million in grant funding since we were founded in 2003 for local, regional, and national organizations.

Eric Schumacher, Grants Associate

Eric holds a Master of Public Administration and has worked in grant writing and non-profit fundraising fields since 2015. He has written proposals for violence prevention programs, mental health services, education programs, arts workshops, and has contributed to funding proposals for a major art and culture event in Kansas City.

Jennifer Murphy, Grants Associate

Jennifer holds a Master’s of Public Administration with an emphasis in Nonprofit Management. Her graduate studies served as an introduction to grant writing, and prior to joining Assel Grant Services, she was the Grants Manager for Community LINC in Kansas City, Missouri.

As young professionals, Jennifer and Eric bring excellent grants expertise and talent to this company. We are thrilled about the continued expansion of our grant writing team as we make connections with organizations that benefit from our expertise. Our clients are seeing that with the help of a grant writing firm, they get an entire team of grant writers whose work is streamlined and completed more efficiently.

Organizations contract grant writing services for a reason. Grant writing is highly specialized and successfully winning grants is vital for not-for-profit organizations of all kinds. This specialization can be very expensive to support in-house, even though the results are a huge return on investment.

Outsourcing grant writing maximizes returns while keeping costs to a minimum. The Assel Grant Services team has extensive content knowledge on the local and national trends in funding, as well as the extensive needs of its clients, many of whom are serving some of the most vulnerable children, families, and individuals in our community. Eric and Jennifer’s backgrounds are a perfect fit for our clients. Even better, they understand the vital services and support winning grants provide for communities as a whole.

GPC Competency 1: Knowledge of how to research, identify, and match funding resources to meet specific needs.  Skill 1: Identify major trends in public funding and public policy.

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