Federal Grants Training Series

Most people consider federal grant training to be a more advanced form of grant writing and management. We at Assel Grant Services do a lot of work with federal grants and we believe that federal grants share a lot of characteristics with significant foundation grants. That said, there are a lot of nuances unique to federal grants to learn. This professional development series is designed to help nonprofit professionals who have never written a federal grant be prepared to step through the federal grant pre-award and post-award process for the first time with confidence.

Each half-day session is presented by credentialed grant professionals (GPCs) through the Grant Professional Certification Institute, Approved Trainers with the Grant Professionals Association, and experts with multiple federal grant departments.


Federal Series Sessions by GPCI Competency


Cost: $150/session or $600 for the full series


The following training courses are available as recorded individual trainings, bundled trainings, and custom scheduled trainings. To register for the complete series or for individual sessions:

Session 1:
Federal Funding Trends, Opportunities & Relationships


  • Pursuing Federal Grants
  • Federal Find and Fit
  • Relationships with Program Officers and Legislators
Session 2:
Federal Grant Readiness and Program Design


  • Federal Grant Registration and Portals
  • Managing the Development of a Federal Grant Proposal
  • Evidence-Based Programming
Session 3:
Evaluation and Budget


  • External Evaluators
  • Standard Budget Forms
  • Federal Grant Budget Justifications
  • Federal Research Grant Budget  Justifications
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Session 4:
Federal Grant Management


  • Federal Grant Management:  Financial Requirements
  • Federal Grant Management:  Non-Financial Requirements
  • Becoming a Federal Grant  Reviewer


We know that grant professionals are busy people, and sometimes you need to get training on your individual schedule. All of our interactive trainings are recorded and are available following the live sessions, but if you need federal grant training now, we have you covered! Not only do we have our federal grant training available as 4 half-day sessions, we also have them available as individual one-hour recorded sessions:


Pursuing Federal Grants
Federal Find and Fit
Relationships with Program Officers and Legislators
Federal Grant Registrations and Portals
Managing the Development of a Federal Grant Proposal
Evidence-Based Programming
External Evaluators: When is it Required and What to do When it is Required
Standard Budget Forms
Federal Budget Justifications: Reasonable, Allowable, Allocable
Federal Research Grant Budget Justifications
Federal Grant Management: Financial Requirements
Federal Grant Management: Non-Financial Requirements
Becoming a Federal Grant Reviewer

All of the trainings in this series align with the Grant Professionals Certification Institute’s competencies and skills and will be approved for Continuing Education Units (CEU) by GPCI and CFRE International.


Our trainings align to the Grant Professionals Certification Institute’s (GPCI) competencies and skills. They address multiple skills within a competency, interrelated skills across competencies, or a specific skill within a competency in great detail. All courses:


  • Are eligible for CEUs
  • Align with GPCI competencies
  • Are led by nationally recognized GPA-approved trainers


View a list of the GPCI’s Validated Competencies and Skills


Our approach lets you find the perfect professional development plan for you whether you are new to grants, expanding your knowledge so you can earn a promotion or take the GPC exam, or a 15-year veteran seeking targeted nuggets of professional development to complement your broad success.



Online, Live & Custom Trainings

Our team of certified grant experts deliver training presentations online
and live across the country. We have a library of timely, relevant topics that
have proven valuable to hundreds of attendees. We can also create custom
presentations to match the mission of your organization or conference event.



Sign up here to receive information about upcoming live and recorded trainings in our monthly training email! 

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