The Whole Person, Inc. Recently Received a $1,050 From the Missouri Arts Council

The Whole Person, Inc. recently received a grant for $1,050 from the Missouri Arts Council to support the development and showing of art work created by individuals with disabilities.

Expressions is a visual arts exhibit displaying the work of artists with disabilities. It begins on the First Friday in May of 2015 as part of the art walk of 30 Crossroads Arts District art galleries, which all conduct opening receptions that evening and continues for three weeks. The Expressions exhibit seeks to break down the physical and attitudinal barriers of Kansas City’s rich and vibrant arts community for individuals with disabilities. The project is designed to broaden the type of art shown to the community, educate the community about the therapeutic power of art in the lives of individuals with disabilities, and help individuals with disabilities discover the wide variety of support for the visual arts in Kansas City. The Whole Person would use MAC funding, along with other community in-kind and grant support to help as many artists as they can to prepare their work for the professional showing.

The mission of TWP is “to assist people with disabilities to live independently and encourage change within the community to expand opportunities for independent living.” TWP’s goal is to promote empowerment, independence, self-reliance and integration into the community for people with disabilities. TWP’s rich history and experience in providing advocacy for individuals with disabilities make the organization a trusted and reliable source to advocate for and treat the needs of individuals struggling with mental health and physical disabilities. TWP offers free services to people with a wide range of disabilities and strives to help identify and facilitate utilization of resources appropriate to each individual’s situation.

This project helps TWP accomplish its mission by advocating for people with disabilities by showing their artwork in a professional gallery at what is known by the community as a high quality art event.  Artists have the opportunity to sell art for their own profit, encouraging independence. It also encourages change in the community by providing an open event for the community to see the art of those with disabilities, thus

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