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LIVE WEBINAR: Ethics: Grant Ethics for Consultants

AGS Thinkific

Ethics: Grant Ethics for Consultants Session 8 of the Ethics Series Register Now       While all nonprofit professionals have many ethical issues to consider as they conduct pre-award and post-award grant activities, grant consultants have additional areas of which to be mindful because...


LIVE WEBINAR: Ethics: The Ethics of Program Implementation and Reporting

AGS Thinkific

Ethics: The Ethics of Program Implementation and Reporting After a Grant is Funded Session 7 of the Ethics Series Register Now       While ethics must be considered in all stages of the grant lifecycle, the part that most people worry about is program...


LIVE WEBINAR: Ethics: Creating Ethical Grant Budgets and Sustainability Plans

AGS Thinkific

Ethics: Creating Ethical Grant Budgets and Sustainability Plans Session 6 of the Ethics Series Register Now       For many organizations, a federal grant will be a significant expansion to an existing program or the initial funding for a program that does not yet...
