Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired (CCVI) Receives $10,000 Grant from Jacob and Ella Loose Foundation

Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired (CCVI) recently received a grant for $10,000 from the Jacob L. and Ella C. Loose Foundation to assist families with basic needs.

Funding will provide gas cards, diapers, car seats, meals, and other basic needs identified by CCVI’s social worker, teachers, or therapists as they work with families.

When a child is born with a serious visual problem, parents often experience feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and self-doubt, as well as guilt and depression. The financial hardships due to high medical bills or inability of one parent to work outside the home contributes to these feelings.  CCVI’s family support services help mitigate those hardships. The services have existed since the agency’s inception. Loose Foundation funding will support families in our Early Intervention Program (EIP) and Preschool program in the form of gas cards; diapers; grocery cards; shoes, clothes, and diapers; food and clothing for siblings; Pack & Plays; safe car seats; and meals served during parent groups.

CCVI’s target population is children who are blind or visually impaired, from birth through school age, within a 150-mile radius of the agency. CCVI teachers, therapists, and specialists provide services in the core program areas including the Early Intervention Program (birth to age three), the Preschool/Kindergarten Program (ages two to six), and Outreach Services primarily for school-age children.

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