23 May Blue Springs School District Receives $64,960 Award from Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City
Blue Springs School District (BSSD) was recently awarded a $64,960 grant from the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City (now the Health Forward Foundation) to support one full-time therapist and one half-time therapist for Valley View’s Hall McCarter Education Center (HMEC) and the Freshman Center to provide school-based mental health services.
This funding increases the amount of time a therapist is available to students. This gives the school a chance to work together to create a more consistent and efficient referral and reentry process for the students. It also provides the counselor with more time to provide services to students.
BSSD has become strongly aware of the large percentage of its students at risk for suicide. Suicide is a serious public health problem that affects even young people. For youth between the ages of 10 and 24, suicide is the third-leading cause of death. It results in approximately 4,600 lives lost each year. Deaths from youth suicide are only part of the problem. More young people survive suicide attempts than actually die. Long term and without intervention, research indicates that students who struggle behaviorally and academically at school are less able to develop social relationships and supports. When left untreated, mental health disorders can lead to family conflicts, substance abuse, violence, and suicide. Research also indicates that untreated mental health disorders may also increase the likelihood a student will have contact with the juvenile justice system.
BSSD is located on the eastern edge of the Kansas City metro area in Jackson County and covers a total of 58 square miles. There are more than 4,500 students in grades 9-12 and more than 14,600 students total. The District has received accreditation with distinction from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for 15 consecutive years. Historically, the district has served the growing population of eastern Jackson County.