03 Jun United Way of Greater Kansas City Awards $123,096 Grant to YMCA of Greater Kansas City
The YMCA of Greater Kansas City was recently awarded a $123,096 grant from the United Way of Greater Kansas City, Quality Matters to support financial subsidies for families who struggle to afford for their children to participate in Y-Club.
The Y is enrolling more youth in Y Club from families struggling to pay for childcare. United Way funding allows us to add more children at the lower, subsidized rates.
The Y Club is the YMCA’s before and after school program. With a focus on safety, health, social growth and academic enhancement, the Y Club gives kindergartners through sixth grade a safe, supportive and fun environment to learn, develop interests and make friends. Parents enjoy the convenience of a state-licensed program in their child’s school five days a week and during no-school days. The program has affordable weekly fees, and parents receive peace of mind knowing qualified, trained staff are there to provide a positive atmosphere. The Y’s curriculum framework includes the core content areas of homework support, literacy, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math), social competence and conflict resolution, health and wellness, arts and humanities, and character development. The Y encourages youth voice and choice. Through youth council, the Y Club participants help provide input on daily choices of activities and weekly club rotations. The desired outcomes are that youth show increased attitudes, knowledge, skills and behaviors in academic development, social emotional development, and healthy living.
The YMCA of Greater Kansas City, founded on Christian principles, is a charitable organization with an inclusive environment committed to enriching the quality of family, spiritual, social, mental and physical well-being. With a focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, the YMCA of Greater Kansas City is committed to strengthening communities. The Y engages men, women and children-regardless of age, income or background-to nurture the potential of children and teens, improve the nation’s health and well-being, and provide opportunities to give back and support neighbors. With a history of serving the Kansas City area since 1860, the Y has the long-standing rel