You know that you need an external evaluator. Maybe your organization doesn’t have the internal expertise or time to conduct a program evaluation yourself, or a grant funder requires a third-party evaluation. Many programs—and organizations—feel that they can’t afford an external evaluation, and funders don’t always pay for program evaluations. However, if you can convince donors and funders that your program is effective and efficient, you’ll be more competitive for future funding. A strong evaluation provides valuable information for data-based decision-making to inform program refinements and continuous improvement. Funders have a limited amount of dollars to award and, therefore, want to fund effective projects.

Many organizations lack the qualified staff to conduct a program evaluation. While some organizations do have the capacity and expertise, many need to contract with an external evaluator for one or several reasons. For instance, using an external evaluator can be more economical and efficient, can provide a more credible report due to objectivity, and is sometimes a grant requirement.

Observation is a method to gather data by watching events or behaviors that can give information beyond what you can draw from numbers and is helpful in several situations:
  • To collect data that is unavailable through other methods. People are sometimes unable or unwilling to participate in surveys or interviews.
  • To understand an ongoing situation or process. For example, you want to identify efficiencies/inefficiencies in the process of college registration process as students meet with advisors to create a semester schedule.
  • To know more about a physical setting. For example, you want to determine if a residential rehabilitation center’s facilities are conducive to recovery.
  • To understand more about interactions. For example, you want to determine if a motivational guest speaker sparks interest in at-risk youth in a college preparatory program.

Have you been tasked with evaluating a program and don’t know where to begin? If so, you aren’t alone. Many people struggle with program evaluation. This new three-part series on evaluation will prepare you to design and implement a strong evaluation comprised of quantitative and qualitative data analysis. You will also understand how to secure a third-party evaluator, if you need one. This post focuses on how to conduct an environmental scan and needs assessment.

With increased focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion in recent years, more funders are asking for the specific demographics of the populations served by nonprofits. Funders want to know, for example, how many Black individuals or Hispanic families will benefit from the program. While there are many challenges in reporting demographic data, understanding and communicating the differences in race, ethnicity, and nationality is the first step.

Grant writing evaluation is the systematic process of assessing the effectiveness and impact of your project or organization. Evaluation is not merely a formality but a critical aspect of the grant application process. Funders want to know that their investment will lead to positive outcomes and measurable results. Grantmaking organizations want assurance that their funds will be used wisely. A well-planned evaluation strategy showcases your commitment to being accountable for the resources you receive. While quantifiable metrics such as the number of people served are essential, they are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to grant evaluation.

In the realm of program planning, evaluation, and development, two widely used tools are logic models and theories of change. While both are valuable for understanding and guiding interventions, they differ significantly in their approaches and purposes. Let’s examine the main distinctions between a logic model and a theory of change by exploring their characteristics and providing practical examples to illustrate their applications.

    Evaluation and Logic Models Session 6 of the Grant Funding Basics Series Almost all grant funders ask what effect a program will have on the participants and how the organization knows of a program’s success. This session will teach the development professionals who write grants methods for defining...

  External Evaluators: When is it Required and What to do When it is Required Session 7 of the Federal Grant Development Series Many, but not all, federal grants require project evaluation to be completed by someone other than the project director. The reason for this requirement is...

External Evaluators: When is it Required and What to do When it is Required Session 7 of the Federal Grant Development Series Register Now       Many, but not all, federal grants require project evaluation to be completed by someone other than the project director. The reason for this requirement is...